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- Tags: The University of Western Australia
Official Opening – International Medievalism and Popular Culture
Perth Medieval and Renaissance Group display
Rose Window, Winthrop Hall, the University of Western Australia
Tags: architecture, Assisi, Basilica of San Francesco, Crawley, dais, gothic architecture, Gothic Revival, Great Hall, Italian influence, neo-Gothic, organ, Rodney Alsop, Romanesque style, rose window, Sir John Winthrop Hackett (1848-1916), The University of Western Australia, UWA, WA, Western Australia, window, window tracery, Winthrop Hall
Rose Window, Winthrop Hall, the University of Western Australia
Tags: architect, architecture, Assisi, Basilica of San Francesco, Crawley, dais, Great Hall, Italian influence, organ, Rodney Alsop, Romanesque style, rose window, Sir John Winthrop Hackett (1848-1916), The University of Western Australia, thirteenth century, UWA, WA, Western Australia, window, window tracery, Winthrop Hall
Swan Bells
The Great Gate (north side) and ‘The Five Lamps of Learning’, The University of Western Australia, Crawley Campus.
Tags: “Great Gateâ€, Administration Building, arch, architecture, archway, Cambridge University, college, Crawley, gateway, Italian influence, limestone, Mervyn Napier Waller, mosaic, Oxford University, Rodney Alsop, Senate Chamber, Sir John Winthrop Hackett, stone, The University of Western Australia, Tudor, Tudor architecture, university building, university buildings, university college, university colleges, virtues, Western Australia, Winthrop Hall
The Great Gate and the Clock Tower (south side), The University of Western Australia, Crawley Campus.
Tags: “Great Gateâ€, Administration Building, arch, architecture, archway, bell tower, Cambridge University, clock tower, college, Crawley, gateway, Italian influence, limestone, Oxford University, Senate Chamber, Sir John Winthrop Hackett (1848-1916), stone, The University of Western Australia, tower, Tudor, Tudor architecture, university building, university buildings, university college, university colleges, Western Australia, Winthrop Hall
The University of Western Australia, Claremont Campus
Tags: architecture, arrow slit windows, battlement, castellation, Claremont, Claremont Teacher’s College, crenellation, decorative effect, depressed arch, Edith Cowan University, embrasures, facade, gothic architecture, hood moulding, medieval castle, medieval warfare, merlons, military structures, neo-Gothic, oriel, parapet, The University of Western Australia, Western Australia, Western Australian College of Advanced Education