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- Tags: Anglicanism
"New Bishop Consecrated at Brilliant Ceremony," in The Argus.
Tags: "medieval ceremony, Anglican, Anglicanism, Ballarat, Ballarat diocese, Bishop of Ballarat, Bishop William Herbert Johnson, cassocks, Cathedral, ceremony, choir, Christ Church Cathedral, Church of England, clergy, consecration, cross, crozier, Litany, medieval scenes, oath, procession, St Paul’s Cathedral, surplices, vestments, VIC., Victoria
‘Saint Michael’ Stained Glass Window, St Alban’s Anglican Church, Highgate, Western Australia
Tags: angel, Anglican, Anglican church, Anglicanism, archangel, Archangel Michael, architecture, battle, Book of Revelation, Christian, Christianity, Church, church building, dragon, feast day, Highgate, iconography, J. J. Talbot Hobbs (1864-1938), leadlight windows, medieval calendar, medieval Holy Day, Michaelmas, neo-Romanesque, Norman architecture, parish church, religion, religious, Romanesque architecture, rounded arch, saint, Saint Alban, Saint George, Saint Michael, saints, semi-circular arch, St Alban, St George, St Michael, St. Alban, St. George, St. Michael, stained-glass, Victorian Romanesque style, WA, Western Australia, window, windows
Anglican Church Dispute: Use of Vestments
Tags: Anglican, Anglicanism, Archbishop of Sydney, Canon law, Catholic, Catholicism, chasuble, Church hierarchy, Diocese of Sydney, dispute, ecclesiastical authority, ecclesiastical dress, ecclesiastical sanction, John Charles Wright (1861-1933), medieval Catholicism, medieval religion, medieval theology, memorial, Prayer Book, Protestantism, Reformation, religion, religious practice, Sydney, theology, vestments
Apse, Christ Church, North Adelaide
Tags: Anglican, Anglicanism, Anglo-Norman, Anglo-Norman design, arch, architecture, Bishop, Bishop Augustus Short (1802-1883), building, Christian, Christianity, Church, Church of England, churches, ecclesiastical, ecclesiastical building, gable, gables, Henry Stuckey, Henry Stuckey (1821-1851), limestone, neo-Romanesque, North Adelaide, red brick, rounded arch, SA, sandstone, semi-circular arch, South Australia, stained glass, Victorian Romanesque style
Arched Windows, St. Matthew's Anglican Church, Guildford
Castle Turret, Holy Trinity Anglican Church, York, Western Australia
Tags: Anglican, Anglicanism, architect, architecture, Carpenter Gothic, Christian, Christianity, Church, churches, flag, Gothic, Gothic Revival, Holy Trinity, lancet window, lancet windows, Newcastle Street, organ, Perth, pipe organ, religion, religious, Saint George, St. George, turret, Victorian Romanesque, WA, Walsingham Shrine, Western Australia, York
Chapel of St. Mary and St. George - Exterior Gothic Features
About the Chapel of St. Mary and St. George:
The Chapel of St. Mary and St. George was constructed…
Tags: Anglican, Anglicanism, buttress, Cecil Oliverson, chapel, Church of England, collegiate chapel, ecclesiastical building, education, gothic architecture, gothic features, Guildford, Guildford Grammar School, heraldic shield, heraldry, hood moulding, lancet arch, neo-Gothic, Perth, Reverend Percy Henn, Sir Walter Tapper, St. George, St. Mary, tower, tracery, WA, Western Australia
Chapel of St. Mary and St. George, Guildford
About the Chapel of St. Mary and St. George:
The Chapel of St. Mary and St. George was…
Tags: Anglicanism, architecture, buttress, Cecil Oliverson, chapel, Church of England, collegiate chapel, ecclesiastical building, education, Gothic, Gothic Perpendicular style, Gothic Revival, Guildford, Guildford Grammar, lancet window, neo-Gothic, Perth, Reverend Percy Henn, Saint George, Saint Mary, school, Sir Walter Tapper, St. George, St. Mary, stained glass, tower, tracery, village green, WA, Western Australia