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The ABC TV programme Stateline Tasmania featured a report in 2009 titled ‘Medieval Instruments’. Reporter Rowan Dix interviewed Harry Wass and Graeme McCormack, two instrument makers based in the southern Tasmanian region of Pelverata.…

Sunday Herald Syd 1949 Sun 30 Oct Medieval Street Procession National Savings Week[1].pdf
National Savings Week was a movement instituted in Great Britain in 1916 to raise funds to counteract government deficits. The emblem of the Movement was, at first, the Swastika but that was replaced with a figure that appears to be St. George…

Image of a trade mark designed by William Wolfen & Co. for James Hennessy & Company Liquor. Depiction of an armoured knight's arm wielding a battleaxe.

SMH 1934 Thurs 27 Sept Women in Sport Bowls Popular Medieval Women.pdf
The ‘new phenomenon’ of women participating in sport post World War I is discussed at length. The writer argues that women are physically capable of participating in some sports. The counterpoints to this argument are that they could…

A display of medieval weapons handcrafted by members of the Grey Company at the Perth Medieval Fayre. The weapons featured here include staff weapons such as halberds and spears, poleaxes, andalsoflanged maces and throwing axes. The Grey…

A display of medieval weapons handcrafted by members of the Grey Company at the Perth Medieval Fayre. The weapons featured here include staff weapons such as halberds and spears, poleaxes, andalsoflanged maces and throwing axes. The Grey Company…

This photograph (along with seven others) was taken at an event held by the Round Table at The University of Western Australia. The demonstration was presented by Michael Ovens and featured various replica medieval weapons including swords, shields…
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