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St George’s Anglican Chapel is the chapel of St George’s College, a residential college for students attending The University of Western Australia in Perth. The foundation stone of the chapel was laid in 1928 by Archbishop Riley, and the…

The Ballad of Sir Anopheles (18 June, 1908), p. 40.jpg
The hero of this poem, as the name Sir Anopheles hints, is a mosquito. The author here humorously stages an encounter between man and mosquito as a drawn-out battle between a recumbent Ogre and an intrepid and undaunted medieval knight. It is clear…

The Old Squire (28 May, 1908), p. 40.jpg
The Bulletin, which was resolutely “anti-imperialist” in its outlook, published a range of verses, ballads and other “poems in which the Middle Ages were represented as despotic and barbaric” (Louise D’Arcens, Old Songs…

St Peter’s Anglican Church, dedicated in 1867, is in the town of Fingal, Tasmania. The stone church is built in the Gothic Revival style, and features buttresses, pointed-arched windows and entrance, a porch, and a bellcote.

This photograph shows Alana Bennett playing a six stringed Phoenix Standard hurdy gurdy made by Helmut Gotschy in Germany ( The hurdy gurdy is a stringed instrument played by using a crank-turned wheel. It developed from fiddles and…

The Sagamen (2 May, 1907), p. 43.bmp
‘Prospect Good’ was the nom de plume of the gold prospector, fossicker, and bush poet, Francis William Ophel. This poem, ‘The Sagamen,’ is filled with vivid imagery drawn in the style of Old Icelandic sagas (Louise…

As It Is In The Days of Now (12 March, 1908), p. 39.jpg
This poem, which is best described as “an anti-nostalgic demystification of chivalric heroism” (Louise D’Arcens, Old Songs in the Timeless Land: Medievalism in Australian Literature 1840-1910, Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, p.143), draws…

St George’s Anglican Chapel is the chapel of St George’s College, a residential college for students attending The University of Western Australia in Perth. The foundation stone of the chapel was laid in 1928 by Archbishop Riley and the…
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