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  • Tags: neo-Gothic

A close-up view of the decorative blind tracery on the tympanum of the main entrance doorway at St Peter’s Cathedral in Adelaide, South Australia. Ornate and detailed tracery was a common feature of gothic architecture. About St Peter’s…

A close-up of the detailed stonework surrounding a doorway at St Peter’s Cathedral in Adelaide, South Australia. Construction of this Victorian Gothic style Cathedral began in 1869. Its gothic features include lancet arches, blind arcading and…

An image of the Mitchell Building at The University of Adelaide. The Mitchell Building was designed by South Australian architect Willliam McMinn, and is of a Victorian Academic Gothic architectural style. It was completed between 1879 and 1881, and…

An image of the Mitchell Building at The University of Adelaide. The Mitchell Building was designed by South Australian architect Willliam McMinn, and is of a Victorian Academic Gothic architectural style. It was completed between 1879 and 1881, and…

An image of the flèche (or narrow spire) that emerges from the roof of the Mitchell Building at The University of Adelaide. The ornate and decorative stonework - including the protrusions and patterning, the lancet openings, the mini-turrets and…

A detail of the decorative stone tracery surrounding the lancet archways leading into the entrance porch at the Mitchell Building, The University of Adelaide. This is an example of blind tracery (because it is applied to the stone wall and no glass…
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