Browse Items (1266 total)

This memorial board of the ‘St Andrews Memorial Endowment Roll’ is in St Andrew’s Church of England (Anglican) in the small Tasmanian town of Westbury. It was carved by the Tasmanian woodcarver Ellen Nora Payne (1865-1962) of…

A digital photograph of the transportable toilet area at the Balingup Medieval Carnivale. The area is referred to as ‘Midden Pits’, a term commonly used by archaeologists to describe pits containing household and human waste. The…

The Military Complex at the penal colony of Port Arthur, Tasmania, is situated in a prominent position overlooking the harbour. It is the thirdmilitary complex on the site and was built in 1847, with the central tower built in 1836. Both were built…

A view of a minaret - or tall, tiered tower - at the Forum Theatre (formerly the State Theatre) in central Melbourne. Designed by American architect John Eberson in conjunction with Melbourne firm Bohringer, Taylor & Johnson, The Forum was originally…

Minerva’s Tower is a Perth-based band who performs medieval and neo-medieval folk music, including some original compositions. The band consists of two multi-instrumentalists, Alana Bennett and Dylan Kerr. The photograph shows the band…

This 11 minute film on YouTube shows has been pieced together from separate performances by Minerva’s Tower at the 2012 Balingup Medieval Carnivale. The event was held in the town of Balingup in the south-west of Western Australia on August…

An image of the giant Viking head statue located outside Miss Maud's Swedish restaurant and bakehouse on Fitzgerald Street in Perth, WA.

The figure has a long, bushy beard and is wearing a horned helmet. It appears to be made of limestone.…

An image of the Mitchell Building at The University of Adelaide. The Mitchell Building was designed by South Australian architect Willliam McMinn, and is of a Victorian Academic Gothic architectural style. It was completed between 1879 and 1881, and…
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