Browse Items (1266 total)

The Viking - Register 25-9-26.pdf
A poem by J.A. Fort published in the UK magazine The Spectator and reprinted on page 5 of the Adelaide newspaper The Register on September 25, 1926. The poem describes the attraction of going on a Viking raid by ship, including the knowledge that if…

Viking Song.pdf
A poem included in the ‘Poems and Rhymes’ section on page 4 of the Adelaide newspaper ‘The Register’ on August 31, 1918. The poem evokes the Norse gods Odin and Thor in its imagery of shipbuilding, specifically modern steel…

VikingMaidensBobbedHair WesternMail9130.pdf
An article on page 30 of the Perth newspaper the Western Mail on January 9, 1930. The article reports on the discovery of a Viking burial ground in East Prussia dating from the ninth to eleventh centuries. The male burials were accompanied by a…

VikingBattleship BrisbaneCourier10608.pdf
An article on page 4 of the Brisbane Courier newspaper on July 10, 1908. The article is about the decision to make a Viking battleship (in other articles about the event it is referred to as a Viking Dragon Ship) the centre-piece of a church fête.…

Ancient Viking Ships Queenlander 26532.pdf
An article on page 46 of the Brisbane newspaper The Queenslander on May 26, 1932. The public interest piece reports on the decision of the Norwegian government to reconstruct the Viking-Age Gokstad ship from the pieces recovered during excavation. It…

YMCA Viking Club Barrier Miner141128.pdf
A newspaper article on page 2 of the Broken Hill newspaper Barrier Miner on 14 November, 1928. The article reports on the inaugural meeting of the Viking Club in Broken Hill. Held in the local Y.M.C.A., the meeting featured a lecture sex education…

FrozenViking Argus9922.pdf
An article on page 8 of the Melbourne newspaper The Argus on September 9, 1922. The article corrects a previous article in The Argus that reported, based on accounts in American newspapers, that a Viking warrior had been found frozen in an iceberg…

A view of Beehive Corner at the Western end of Rundle Mall in Adelaide, South Australia. This historic corner site was originally owned by John Rundle and has been known as ‘Beehive Corner’ since the 1840s. The Federation Gothic style…
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