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- Tags: book
Spirit of Festival: What Lies Behind the Carol, The West Australian, 24 December 1937
Tags: Apprentices, book, carol, celebration, Christian tradition, Christmas, Christmas Carols, dancing, drinking songs, festival, festivity, Greccio, medieval custom, melodies, merriment, Miracle plays, Mystery plays, popular tunes, puritan, religious lyrics, revival, singing, song, St Francis of Assisi, tradition, Wynken de Worde
A Medieval Romance
Tags: “Anglo-Saxon Chronicleâ€, “Life of Alfredâ€, “The King Livethâ€, Alfred the Great (848/9-899), Anglo-Saxon, annals, army, Asser, Athelney, battle, book, book review, Chippenham, chronicle, Danelaw, Danes, East Anglia, Edington, Ethandune, Guthrum, historical romance, invasion, Jeffery Farnol, king, novel, Ó”lfred, recreation, romance, romanticisation, siege, victory, vikings, war, Wessex, West Saxon, Wiltshire
"Men Call Me a Fool"
Tags: Adonis, book, book review, books, court, duchess, fool, Francis I (1494-1547), hunchback, king, literature, medieval France, nobles, professional fool, review, tragedy, troubadour