Browse Items (1266 total)

The interior features of St. Mary's Cathedral in East Perth, WA. As these images suggest, the cathedral combines typically neo-gothic archways and domes with the clean, crisp lines of its more recent renovations, which were completed in…

Images of recreationist knights wearing ‘Great Helm’ style helmets at the Perth Medieval Fayre. The Great Helm is a cylindrical helmet that encloses the entire head, with a flat top and eye slits for vision. It was adopted as the…

Image of a font in St George’s Cathedral, Perth. The font was sculpted in Donnybrook stone in 1930 by Herbert Parry, son of Bishop Parry. The font has eight facets, one of which features the intertwined initials I.H.S., a common medieval…

SMH 1926 Sat 17 July Photograph_article York Minster Bells Sydney University Bell .pdf
An image of the recasting of the York Minster Bells, which are described as being "the heaviest ringing in England." The article states Taylor & Company of Longborough, Leicester, who worked on the bells, were contracted to cast the carillon for…

Image of a copy of an eighth-century cross in St George’s Cathedral, Perth. The cross was given to the Cathedral in 1935 by the Friends of Canterbury Cathedral. The cross is on a stone plaque and is a copy of the Anglo-Saxon cross from…

Image of the sculpture Ascalon in front of St George’s Cathedral, Perth. The work was created by Marcus Canning and Christian de Vietri and unveiled in 2011. Ascalon is the name of the lance used by St George to slay the dragon in many…

St George's.Perth.Altar cropped.jpg
Image of the jarrah nave altar at St George’s Cathedral in Perth, Western Australia. The altar features a hand-carved knight and dragon against a St George shield to portray the St George legend. It was carved by Robin McArthur and installed in…

An image depicting men and women of the Welsh Saint David's Society of Brisbane, gathered around the Society's banner, which depicts a dragon. BRIEF HISTORY OF THE SOCIETY: The Saint David’s Welsh Society was founded on 16th April 1918 with…
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