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- Tags: website
Wilmot Arms sign, Kempton, Tasmania
Tags: advertising, coat of arms, crest, eagle, family crest, helmet, heraldry, Kempton, shield, sign, Tas, Tasmania, website, Wilmot Arms.
Minerva’s Tower at Balingup Medieval Carnival 2012 film
Balingup 2012 film
Europa Re-enactment Association Inc.
Tags: Archery, Armour, article, Blue Mountains, Celtic cross, combat, cooking, costume, craft, culture, England, Europa Re-enactment, Europa Re-enactment Association Inc., games, helmet, hut, Jorvik, living history, logo, map, Middleton Cross, New South Wales, Norse, NSW, Oðinr, Odin, oven, performance, re-enactment, ring-chain, shield, spear, Springwood, sword, viking, warrior, website, Wiccy, York.
The Order of St Thomas of Acre
Tags: Anglican, chivalric code, chivalry, Crusader, Crusades, Henry II, Henry VIII, hospitaller, Hospitaller’s of St Thomas of Canterbury at Acre, knight, Knights of St Thomas, Military Order, re-creation, Richard I, Richard the Lionheart, St Thomas Becket, St Thomas of Canterbury, The Order of St Thomas of Acre, Vic, Victoria, website, Werribee.
Dance Review: Romeo and Juliet
‘Tasmanian Gothic’, Compass, ABC TV
Tags: ABC, alter cloths, Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, baptismal font, Bishop Willson, Catholic, chalice linen, Church, Colebrook, Compass, cross, Geraldine Doogue, Gothic, Gothic Revival, headstone, monstrance, Oatlands, Pugin, Richmond, Robert William Willson., rood screen, Tas, Tasmania, Tasmanian Gothic, television, transcript, vestment, website, Wendy Boynton
Australian Morris Ring
Tags: ACT, Australian Capital Territory, Australian Morris Ring, Borders Morris, costume, Cotswold Morris, dance, England, folk dance, folk music, Morris Dancers, New South Wales, North West Morris, NSW, performance, Qld, Queensland, SA, Sides, South Australia, Tas, Tasmania, Vic, Victoria, WA, website, Western Australia.