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Rognvald’s Lith: Lismore Medieval Re-enactment Society is a re-enactment group founded in 2003 and based in Lismore, New South Wales. The group concentrate on the period 700-1200 and such peoples as Anglo-Saxons, Normans, Rus, and Vikings.…

Rusland NGV Garrison are a Viking re-enactment group which formed in 1991. They are part of the larger New Varangian Guard group. Rusland recreate the Varangian Guard, the bodyguard of the Byzantine Emperors and their cultural and military lifestyle…

A list of the Guilds which the members of the Lochac Region (within the Society for Creative Anachronism) can join. Some of the Guilds include: Brewers, Vintners and Imbibers Guild Broiderers Guild Lohac Cooks' Guild Royal Guild of…

The Kingdom of Lochac is the name used by members of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) for a fictional kingdom comprising Australia, New Zealand and their Antarctic territories. Lochac is one of nineteen kingdoms worldwide. Australia itself…

The Sunshine Castle is a popular tourist destination on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland. Influenced by a Norman architectural style, and complete with medieval additions such as a moat, turrets and a drawbridge, the castle hosts markets and…

The Sunshine Castle is a popular tourist destination on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland. Influenced by a Norman architectural style, and complete with medieval additions such as a moat, turrets and a drawbridge, the castle hosts markets and…

Swordcraft is a live medieval re-enactment roleplaying game in which players wear realistic costumes and fight with realistic-looking weapons made of rubber and foam, and padded arrows. For photographs see the Gallery on their website. The group is…

This is one of a series of pre-action photographs taken by photographer Richard Taylor at Nurragingy Reserve in 2011. It shows an ‘old warrior’ displaying steely determination to survive a potentially dangerous encounter. The subject of…
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