Browse Items (53 total)

A digital photograph of the parade at the Balingup Medieval Carnivale. One of the highlights of the parade was an appropriately green and scaly smoke breathing winged dragon on wheels pulled by a chain. Dragons are a popular element of the medieval…

One of four photographs of a castle-like building on the Midland Highway in Perth, Tasmania. This one shows the castle/house, which inexplicably also has a windmill coming out of its centre. The domestic brick house features extensive crenellation,…

A close up photograph of the chalkboard at the Balingup Medieval Carnivale. The chalkboard advertised the programme for the day, including events on the combat arena. The illustration features a running dragon, perhaps attacking the man on the horse.…

Image of the sculpture Ascalon in front of St George’s Cathedral, Perth. The work was created by Marcus Canning and Christian de Vietri and unveiled in 2011. Ascalon is the name of the lance used by St George to slay the dragon in many…

This entertainment piece from The West Australian’s online edition reviews the BBC series Merlin (2008). At the time the article was written in 2010, the second season of the series was being aired on Australian television by Channel 10. The…

This oil on canvas painting by well-known nineteenth-century artist Edward Burne-Jones was gifted to the Art Gallery of New South Wales by Arthur Moon. It is one of seven paintings from a ‘St George and the Dragon’ narrative cycle that…

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An image of the ‘Saint George’ stained glass window at St Alban’s Anglican Church, Highgate. This stained glass is one of three windows (the others depicting St Alban and St Michael) located at the rear of the church. It was…

This elaborate staircase window in a converted St Kilda mansion is probably by Ferguson & Urie and dated c.1884. The window depicts a red-cloaked and fully armoured St George standing on the head of a dragon. Images of St George and the Dragon were…
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