Browse Items (45 total)
Highlands Warrior painting, Sheffield, Tasmania
Tags: ‘heroic past’, “Der Meistertrunkâ€, Adolf Hitler, Adolf Hitler (1889-1945), architecture, art, Bavaria, Bayreuth, burgher, Burgomaster Nusch, Cathedral, Church, commander-in-chief Tilly, Dinkelsbuhl, education, engraving, festival, Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805), German folklore, Germany, gothic architecture, historical plays, Hitler, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), journeyman, Master, medieval city, medieval craft, medieval housing, medieval town, merchant, Nazi parades, Nuremburg, pageant, Peasants’ Revolt (1525), Rathaus (Town Hall), religion, Roder gate, Rothenburg, school pilgrimages, St James, St Marcus Tower, Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648), Tillman Riemenschneider (1460-1531), tradition, Wagner festival, walled town, Whitsuntide
The Walled City of Nuremburg – The Cradle of Nazism.
Tags: “To a Skylark†(1820), Adam Krafft, Adam Kraft, Adam Kraft (c.1460-1509), Adolf Hitler (1889-1945), Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528), apprentice, architecture, art, artisan, artists, burgher, carving, Cathedral, Church, craftsmen, crozier, engraving, filigree stonework, gable, Germany, gothic architecture, guild, Hans Sachs (1494-1576), journeyman, masonry, Master, medieval city, medieval craft, medieval guild, medieval housing, merchant, monstrance, Nuremburg, painting, Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822), Peter Vischer (1455-1529), religion, Rothenburg, seven virtues, St Laurence, stone, stone carving, swastika, undergarments, vaulting, Veit Stoss (1450-1533), walled city, wood carving
Hieronymus Bosch, The Haywain Triptych Tableau vivant
Hieronymus Bosch, The Haywain Triptych Tableau vivant - the Perth Medieval and Renaissance Group
‘St Francis and the Birds’, by Michael Galovic
Tags: ‘new icons’, Animals, art, Assisi, Bevagna, birds, Cardinal Ugolini, Catholicism, Christianity, Francis of Assisi, Francsciscan, Giovanni Francesco do Bernadone, icon, iconography, modern art, Pope Gregory IX, Pope Innocent III, Portiuncula, poverty, preacher, preaching, religious art, religious order, saint, Saint Francis of Assisi, St Francis of Assisi, The Little Flowers of St Francis, The Poor Clares, work
The Flight of Jane Shore
Rognvald’s Lith: Lismore Medieval Re-enactment Society
Tags: Anglo-Saxon, Archery, art, axe, Byzantine Empire, chain mail, combat, costume, education, gripping-beast, helmet, javelin, Lismore, living history, New South Wales, Norman, NSW, performance, re-enactment, Rognvald Ingvarson, Rognvald’s Lith, Rognvald’s Lith: Lismore Medieval Re-enactment Society, rune, runestone, Rus, school, serpent, shield, spear, stave, Sweden, sword, Uppsala, Varangian Guard, viking, website.