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Gratuitous Pugnacity (3 March 1888), p. 13.jpg
Cartoonist Phil May here encapsulates the main problems of a premature pitch by NSW for Australian Federation. The doughty knight (Sir Henry) is ready to do battle with ‘all and sundry,’ for he needs to pay off (or perhaps unload the…

Mephistopheles (23 Oct 1886), p. 7.jpg
‘Dam(n)pier as Mephistopheles,’ is The Bulletin cartoonist Phil May’s humorous pun on actor and theatrical entrepreneur Alfred Dampier’s name (See Louise D'Arcens, Old Songs in the Timeless Land: Medievalism in Australian…

The McLaren Vale, South Australia, company Maxwell Wines produce three varieties of Maxwell Mead. Their website explains that although mead was first drunk much earlier than the medieval period, it has a particularly strong association with…

Abstract: Matthews finds a unity in the arrangement of stories in While the Billy Boils. The chronological nature of the stories, the use of rumour and the consistent use of time and distance are all elements that support the structure of the…

The article ‘The bride wore… a sword’ by reporter Hannah Martin appeared in the online version of the Tasmanian newspaper The Mercury. The article reports on a medieval ‘Celtic’-style wedding of two members of the…

An advertisement for a scallop shell badge distributed by ‘Mainly Medieval’, an online re-enactor supplies company based in New South Wales. The scallop shell badge signifies that the wearer has completed the lengthy overland pilgrimage…

An advertisement for a replica thirteenth-century devotional candleholder distributed by ‘Mainly Medieval’, an online re-enactor supplies company based in New South Wales. In purified Christianised logic, the candle is a symbol of…

An advertisement for a replica medieval eating spoon distributed by ‘Mainly Medieval’, an online re-enactor supplies company based in New South Wales. The spoon is made from food grade pewter. It is described by the catalogue as…
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