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Scans of the essay questions for the English and Cultural Studies undergraduate course Medieval in the Modern World coordinated by Andrew Lynch at the University of Western Australia. Of particular note is question 12 which asks students to write…

The Kingdom of Lochac is the name used by members of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) for a fictional kingdom comprising Australia, New Zealand and their Antarctic territories. Lochac is one of nineteen kingdoms worldwide. Australia itself…

AlfredaCantatabyE.Prout SydneyMorningHerald301186.pdf
This anonymous article in The Sydney Morning Herald on 30 November 1886 is a review of a musical performance about Alfred the Great. The cantata ‘Alfred’ was composed by Ebenezer Prout with a libretto by Mr Grist. The piece is based…

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A photograph of Carnimow Castle on Mt Lofty in the Adelaide hills. The house was built in Scottish baronial style as a summer house by the Scottish migrant Sir Thomas Elder in 1885. Now a feature in Mt Lofty Botanical Park, the two-storey house…

Carnimow 2.JPG
A photograph of Carnimow Castle on Mt Lofty in the Adelaide hills. The house was built in Scottish baronial style as a summer house by the Scottish migrant Sir Thomas Elder in 1885. Now a feature in Mt Lofty Botanical Park, the two-storey house…

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A photograph of Carnimow Castle on Mt Lofty in the Adelaide hills. The house was built in Scottish baronial style as a summer house by the Scottish migrant Sir Thomas Elder in 1885. Now a feature in Mt Lofty Botanical Park, the two-storey house…

Will Schaefer’s novel ‘The Wolf Letters’ is a murder-mystery set in England in 1936, but the murders relate to events in the eighth century. An historian investigates. The novel was inspired by the life of the Anglo-Saxon missionary…

A photograph of a camouflaged piece of modern equipment at the Balingup Medieval Carnivale. The painted canvas of medieval-styled stone/brickwork and door cleverly hides a bulky item on a trailer. The theme was continued against the weatherboard…
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