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This illustration portrays the great fear of the establishment in the late nineteenth century in Australia, an organised workforce. Union organisation and affiliation and the strengthening of fraternities and friendly societies appeared to create a…

Argus 1926 Thurs 1 April One-Man Tank Medieval Knight.pdf

Royal Engineer, Maj. Martel, invented a one-man tank that replicates the medieval knight in armour, with the addition of ‘caterpillar track legs’ and a ‘petrol engined heart’. The contraption is fashioned from car parts…

Magna Carta_West Australian_15 June 1935_p11.pdf
On the seven hundred and twentieth anniversary of the first issue of Magna Carta (in 1215), this article in the Western Mail outlines the charter’s significance for English history and notes that special lessons had been delivered in…

Members of the Society for Creative Anachronism preparing to fight in a battle for the 2010 College Challenge between the factions of St Lazarus and St Basil. The tournament was held at the University of Western Australia. About the Society for…

Three ladies in predominantly twelfth and thirteenth century dress at a tournament held at the University of Western Australia by the Society for Creative Anachronism. About the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of Lochac (the…

A link to an engraving taken from The Illustrated Australian News depicting the gothic architectural design of the 'Deaf and Dumb Asylum'. The building, now the Victorian College for the Deaf, is on St Kilda Road in the Melbourne suburb of Prahran.…

Ned Kelly Extracts from The Argus.doc
A series of extracts from The Argus ranging from 1878 to 1880. They tell of the Kelly Gang's exploits and their encounters with colonial Victorian law enforcement. A few of the extracts towards the end of the list include descriptions of the…

Depiction of St Paul's Anglican Church, Melbourne. The architectural style is typical of the gothic revival style common in Britain and the British colonies throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
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