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Medieval Education: Medieval and Ancient Programs for Schools are run by Multisensory Education Pty. Ltd., who is based in Melbourne. The group offer educational programs for schools in Victoria. They have a comprehensive array of Medieval Activity…

In this black and white photograph by J. A. Mulligan, a crowd gathers outside the Hoyts Century Theatre in Sydney on 20 December 1967 to attend a preview of the film Camelot. The film was a screen adaptation of the 1960 musical of the same name by…

‘Gerni Weekend Warriors’ is a marketing campaign created by Sydney ad agency MJW to promote Gerni high pressure water cleaners. The television advert features three men dressed as warriors from the past using a Gerni to clean their cars…

A hyperlink to an archived news article on the Miss Maud's website. On 13 May 2006 employees of Miss Maud's bakehouse, hotel, restaurant and pastry houses welcomed the Swedish Ship Götheborg as it stopped off at Fremantle Harbour on its journey…

This artwork by Yugoslavian-Australian artist Michael Galovic depicts St Francis of Assisi, the thirteenth-century religious reformer, preaching to birds in his characteristic brown habit. It is an example of the artist’s modern religious…

This 11 minute film on YouTube shows highlights of the 2012 Balingup Medieval Carnivale held in the town of Balingup in the south-west of Western Australia on August 25-26. The film was made by Michael Cheffins for ZigZagCommunityArts Inc., and the…

Photographs recreating a scene in The Haywain Triptych panel painting by Dutch artist Hieronymus Bosch. The recreated scene occurs in the centre of the central panel of the work that was probably painted in the early sixteenth century. The central…

A photograph recreating a scene in The Haywain Triptych panel painting by Dutch artist Hieronymus Bosch. The recreated scene occurs in the centre of the central panel of the work that was probably painted in the early sixteenth century. The central…
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