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London Court_Western Argus_19 October 1937_p18.pdf
This article from the Western Argus provides details of two clocks that were to be installed in London Court. After noting the accuracy of the clocks, which were designed to lose no more than a thousandth of a second per hour, the author provides a…

Images of ‘St George slaying the Dragon’ at London Court in Western Australia. Located in a window above the clock at the St George’s Terrace entrance to London Court, 'St George slaying the Dragon' is a feature consisting of…

Chainmail-Haubergeon_Perth Medieval Fayre.jpg
Images of a chainmail shirt (a haubergeon) and hood (a byrnie) made by members of The Grey Company and displayed for the public to try on at the Perth Medieval Fayre. Chain mail was used extensively in the middle ages to fashion protective garments…

Images of a chainmail shirt (a haubergeon) and hood (a byrnie) made by members of The Grey Company and displayed for the public to try on at the Perth Medieval Fayre. Chain mail was used extensively in the middle ages to fashion protective garments…

The first purpose-built synagogue in Western Australia, Fremantle Synagogue was built by J. McCracken in the Romanesque style (architectual firm Oldham and Eales) in 1902 but services only continued in the building until 1910. Constructed in brick,…

Two black and white photographs of the Redemptorist Monastery in North Perth, Western Australia. These images are part of the Passey Collection, which is held by the State Library of Western Australia. The Federation Gothic style monastery and church…

A woman demonstrating the medieval art of manuscript illumination at the Perth Medieval Fayre. ‘Illumination’ refers to the addition of decorations and illustrations around the text on a manuscript page. These illuminations formed an…

This poster advertises ‘A Day with J. R. R. Tolkien’, an upcoming event at The University of Western Australia. Hosted by the Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies and the Perth Medieval Group, ‘A Day with J. R. R.…
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