Browse Items (1266 total)

My Lady of the Lake (15 Dec, 1904), p. 39.jpg
This light-hearted poem by Charles Crawford is packed with poetic allusion, and with classical, medieval, and medievalist references. We find mention of several beautiful women from classical antiquity: Queen Semiramis, Eurydice, Judith, Cytheris,…

The Festival of Hildegard was an educational event held at the Catholic Loreto College’s Centre for Theology and Ministry at St Mary’s College in the Melbourne suburb of Parkville, Victoria. The event ran from October 19-21, 2012, closing…

Members of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) fighting in a tournament known as 'the College Challenge.' The battle depicted in these images was fought between members from both St. Basil (UWA) and St. Lazarus (Murdoch). In Perth, Western …

An image of St. Brigid's Catholic Church on Fitzgerald Street in Northbridge, Perth.

The church is built in Federation Gothic style with a hammer-beamed trussed roof and leadlight panel bay windows with gold arches.

St. Brigid's is…

Two images of the Greek Orthodox Church located on the corner of Charles and Carr Streets in West Perth. The church possesses typical Orthodox/Byzantine architectural features, including a dome (symbolising the heavens) on top of a square church…

An image of the giant Viking head statue located outside Miss Maud's Swedish restaurant and bakehouse on Fitzgerald Street in Perth, WA.

The figure has a long, bushy beard and is wearing a horned helmet. It appears to be made of limestone.…

An image of St. Brigid's Catholic Church on Fitzgerald Street in Northbridge, Perth.

The church is built in Federation Gothic style with a hammer-beamed trussed roof and leadlight panel bay windows with gold arches.

St. Brigid's is…

An image of the Greek Orthodox Church located on the corner of Charles and Carr Streets in West Perth. The church possesses typical Orthodox/Byzantine architectural features, including a dome (symbolising the heavens) on top of a square church…
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