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  • Tags: ship

Ancient Viking Ships Queenlander 26532.pdf
An article on page 46 of the Brisbane newspaper The Queenslander on May 26, 1932. The public interest piece reports on the decision of the Norwegian government to reconstruct the Viking-Age Gokstad ship from the pieces recovered during excavation. It…

Article in the Examiner newspaper, Launceston, from June 29, 1949, p. 7. The article includes a photograph of the recreated Viking ship the Ormen Friske, and a short report on her arrival in Stockholm for the World Sport Exhibition. The Swedish-built…

VikingShip MorningBulletin 31194.pdf
An article on page 3 of the Rockhampton, Queensland newspaper, Morning Bulletin on January 31, 1894. The article by J.O. Dawdson acts as a popular history of Norway during the Viking Age. It provides the meaning of the term ‘Viking’…

Vikings Sword Queenslander17534.pdf
A highly romanticised article on page 46 of the Brisbane newspaper The Queenslander on 17 May, 1934. The article reports on a male Viking warrior grave uncovered in Sweden. Among the various grave-goods found was a sword made in England. This leads…

Viking House - Western Mail 28-2-13.pdf
A report on the recently completed office building Viking House on page 38 of the Perth newspaper the Western Mail on February 28, 1913. The building, which no longer survives, is described as being ‘a replica of early Gothic’ and was…

ModernVikingFamily Courier-Mail41051.pdf
An article on page 3 of the Brisbane newspaper The Courier-Mail on October 4, 1951. The article ‘Modern Viking Family Here’ reports on a Norwegian family who had sailed to Queensland in search of a pleasant place to live. Their origin…

VikingTradeCity BrisbaneCourier291230.pdf
An article on page 8 of the Brisbane Courier newspaper on December 29, 1930. The article reports on the forthcoming excavations of the main Viking trading centre of the ninth to eleventh centuries, Hedeby. The site is now in northern Germany in South…

VikingBattleship BrisbaneCourier10608.pdf
An article on page 4 of the Brisbane Courier newspaper on July 10, 1908. The article is about the decision to make a Viking battleship (in other articles about the event it is referred to as a Viking Dragon Ship) the centre-piece of a church fête.…
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