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This oil on canvas painting by nineteenth-century artist Frederic Leighton was acquired by the Art Gallery of South Australia with funds from the Elder Bequest in 1899. Titled ‘The Feigned Death of Juliet’ it depicts a scene from William…

This photograph shows Alana Bennett playing a six stringed Phoenix Standard hurdy gurdy made by Helmut Gotschy in Germany ( The hurdy gurdy is a stringed instrument played by using a crank-turned wheel. It developed from fiddles and…

The Mowbray campus of the Launceston Church Grammar School in Launceston, Tasmanian, has a number of buildings of different eras with medieval features. These include the administration building whose foundation stone was laid by Prime Minister…

This 11 minute film on YouTube shows highlights of the 2012 Balingup Medieval Carnivale held in the town of Balingup in the south-west of Western Australia on August 25-26. The film was made by Michael Cheffins for ZigZagCommunityArts Inc., and the…

This photograph shows members of the musical group The Renaissance Players on the steps of a building in Gothic style at the University of Sydney. The photograph was taken in 1974 by Alex Ozolins for the Australian Information Service. Although…

This poster advertises ‘Renaissance Polonaise’, an evening performance of Renaissance and Baroque music by the Polish early music ensemble Floripari. Floripari play period instruments and often also wear period costume. The performance…

The Kingdom of Lochac is the name used by members of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) for a fictional kingdom comprising Australia, New Zealand and their Antarctic territories. Lochac is one of nineteen kingdoms worldwide. Australia itself…
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