This photograph in The Sydney Morning Herald in 1930 shows three sculptures of medieval knights. The seated knights are on the new B.M.A. (British Medical Association) Building in Macquarie Street, Sydney. They wear full body armour and helmets with…
This online article from the Perth Now website describes the fourth season finale show of TV programme Beauty & the Geek Australia, from which contestants Chard and Millie emerged as winners. Pursuing a ‘happily ever after’ fairytale…
This poem, which is best described as “an anti-nostalgic demystification of chivalric heroism” (Louise D’Arcens, Old Songs in the Timeless Land: Medievalism in Australian Literature 1840-1910, Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, p.143), draws…
To describe everyday life in colonial Australia as entirely rural-based in 1900 would be misleading, for the country’s major urban centres, particularly Sydney and Melbourne, housed much of the population and fuelled its commercial vitality…
Henry Lawson produced several interrelated medieval poems c. 1908 which The Bulletin published. ‘Because of her Father’s Blood’ is the third poem of the Sir William series. While the knight is away crusading his aunt, Dame Ruth, is…
This article from The West Australian in 1937 reports on a number of new knighthoods awarded as part of the King’s Coronation Honours. For the first time, the article informs readers, the recipients were ‘dubbed’ by the…
This intensely nostalgic medieval poem by E. J. Brady “is most distinctive for its unapologetic insertion of the chivalric into the local”, which becomes the source of unintended humour (Louise D’Arcens, Old Songs in the Timeless…
This engaging “McCrae-like medieval narrative ballad” (John B. Webb, “A Critical Biography of Edwin James Brady 1869-1952” PhD Thesis, The University of Sydney, 1972, p.95) concerns the fortunes of a triad of ill-starred…