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A close up photograph of the chalkboard at the Balingup Medieval Carnivale. The chalkboard advertised the programme for the day, including events on the combat arena. The illustration features a running dragon, perhaps attacking the man on the horse.…

A digital photograph of the chalkboard at the Balingup Medieval Carnivale. The chalkboard advertised the programme for the day and featured some nice medieval illustrations. Balingup Medieval Carnival was first held in the town of Balingup, in the…

A digital photograph of the parade at the Balingup Medieval Carnivale. One of the highlights of the parade was an appropriately green and scaly smoke breathing winged dragon on wheels pulled by a chain. Dragons are a popular element of the medieval…

SMH 1901 Mon 7 May Eight Hour Day[1].pdf
The writer credits the craft guilds of medieval England for the eight-hour system, including the Saturday half-holiday. The latter was supposed to be devoted to archery practice, which eventually ensured English mastery of the bow and arrow and their…
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