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  • Tags: Medieval Romance

Roaming Tiger_The West Australian_12 December 1953_p33.pdf
This interest piece from The West Australian in 1953 discusses the symbolic use of animals in roman legends and medieval fables, and their anthropomorphic investment with human characteristics. Using an incident in New South Wales where a circus…

Hyperlink to a photograph of a Sydney university student participating in the “Commem Day” street parade in 1937, taken by renowned Australian photographer Sam Hood. The student in the photograph appears on horseback and dressed as a…

Hyperlink to a photograph of two Sydney university students participating in the “Commem Day” street parade in 1937, taken by renowned Australian photographer Sam Hood. The two students in the photograph appear on horseback and in…

Image of the sculpture Ascalon in front of St George’s Cathedral, Perth. The work was created by Marcus Canning and Christian de Vietri and unveiled in 2011. Ascalon is the name of the lance used by St George to slay the dragon in many…
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