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A wood engraving from March 1888 by Samuel Calvert of Queen's College at the University of Victoria. An accompanying article in the Melbourne newspaper The Illustrated Australian News reported on the opening ceremony for the new college.…

West Australian 1913 Tues 29 April Theatre Medieval Liturgy Plays Guilds.pdf
A newspaper article regarding an address made by one Professor Murdoch to the Perth Literary Society in 1913. It discusses the origin and development of English drama with a particular focus on the early involvement of the church and clergy in…

This black and white photograph held by the State Library of New South Wales dates from c.1859. Taken by John Smith during the construction of The University of Sydney, it depicts stone masons at work carving the gargoyles. This is taking place…

SMH 1926 Sat 17 July Photograph_article York Minster Bells Sydney University Bell .pdf
An image of the recasting of the York Minster Bells, which are described as being "the heaviest ringing in England." The article states Taylor & Company of Longborough, Leicester, who worked on the bells, were contracted to cast the carillon for…
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