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  • Tags: costume

Hyperlink to a photograph of a Sydney university student participating in the “Commem Day” street parade in 1937, taken by renowned Australian photographer Sam Hood. The student in the photograph appears on horseback and dressed as a…

Hyperlink to a photograph of two Sydney university students participating in the “Commem Day” street parade in 1937, taken by renowned Australian photographer Sam Hood. The two students in the photograph appear on horseback and in…

Billed as ‘An Arts Festival with a Metal Edge’ Ironfest is an annual festival held in the New South Wales city of Lithgow. The festival involves artists and blacksmith working with metal, as well as historical re-enactors, musicians, and…

Billed as ‘An Arts Festival with a Metal Edge’ Ironfest is an annual festival held in the New South Wales city of Lithgow. The festival involves artists and blacksmith working with metal, as well as historical re-enactors, musicians, and…

An image of a section of the parade at the Balingup Medieval Carnivale, 2010. The costumed participants march behind a banner portraying an eagle, which might be their sigil. The parade made its way through the town of Balingup before ending at the…

A photograph of a royal, medievalist scene. Sitting in the centre is Keith Ryal, the creator of Kryal Castle near Ballarat.

About Kryal Castle:

Kryal Castle is a tourist attraction located 8km from Ballarat in Victoria. Described as…

Knights Order of Lion Rampant is a living history group based in the Brisbane suburb of Lutwyche. The group were founded in 1991 and focus on the culture of chivalry, especially that surrounding tournaments, that existed in western and central Europe…

Korffs Haven Medieval Guild are a re-enactment group based in Coffs Harbour, or Korffs Haven, in New South Wales. The group concentrate on the period 1066-1166 and such peoples as Anglo-Saxons, Anglo-Normans, Crusaders, Highlanders (of Scotland), and…
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