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A view of the large rose window on the eastern wall of Winthrop Hall at The University of Western Australia. Inside the hall, the rose window is a focal point above the dais. Rose windows were popular decorative features of Romanesque and especially…

SMH 1954 Frid 9 July Univ Q'land Gargoyles Stone.pdf
Newspaper article regarding a carving by the sculptor Thomas Muller. The carving is said to bear a resemblance to the economist Colin Clark. By carving the gargoyle-like creature in the image of a public figure, the journalist argues that Muller has…

Hacket Buildings_The Architects Description_Western Mail_21 April 1932_pp13-14.pdf
This article provides a description of Winthrop Hall and the Hackett Buildings at the University of Western Australia by the architect, Rodney Alsop, shortly after they were opened in 1932. Alsop describes the guidelines he was set, namely that there…

West Australian 1913 Tues 29 April Theatre Medieval Liturgy Plays Guilds.pdf
A newspaper article regarding an address made by one Professor Murdoch to the Perth Literary Society in 1913. It discusses the origin and development of English drama with a particular focus on the early involvement of the church and clergy in…

A view of Winthrop Hall and the clock tower at the University of Western Australia. They are built in an Italian or Mediterranean Romanesque style, typified by rounded arches, arcading, thick walls (they are 9ft thick) and the large square campanile…

A view of the red brickwork and vaulted ceiling in the foyer of Winthrop Hall at the University of Western Australia. Groin vaults are produced when two semi-circular barrel or tunnel vaults are intersected at right angles. Vaulted ceilings were a…
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