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  • Tags: Tasmania

Australian Morris Ring is an organisation that represents Australian Morris dancers. It represents ‘sides’, or Morris dancing teams, in all Australian states and territories except the Northern Territory. The groups perform the Cotswold,…

Christ Church Illawarra is an isolated church built on a hill near the Tasmanian town of Longford. The small bluestone building was built in 1842 by Edward Dumaresq on his property in the Gothic Revival style. The tower and asp were designed in the…

The small brick chapel with a shingle roof on Brickendon Estate, near Longford, is dated by its stained glass windows to the 1850s. It is in the centre of the farm village and was built for the religious observances of the farm workers and their…

Grindelwald is a Swiss-inspired town created by Roelf Voss in northern Tasmania, and is home to the Tamar Valley Resort. The town includes the Swiss Village, opened in 1985. The complex includes a small traditional chapel on the banks of the man-made…

Grindelwald is a Swiss-inspired town created by Roelf Voss in northern Tasmania, and is home to the Tamar Valley Resort. The town includes the Swiss Shopping Village, opened in 1985, which is entered through a re-creation traditional town gate. The…

The Uniting Church in Hadspen, Tasmania, was built as a Wesleyan chapel in 1874, and became a Methodist church in 1924. The chapel was probably designed by Mr Monds, described as the ‘clerk of the works’ in a newspaper article in The…

St Andrew’s Anglican Church is in the town of Carrick in northern Tasmania. The church was transformed from a schoolhouse by Thomas Reibey of Hadspen in 1845, who became its first minister and was later succeeded by his brother. The tower was…

This two-storey Federation-era weatherboard house in the Launceston suburb of West Launceston has a corner tower topped by a crenelated parapet.
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