Browse Items (67 total)

The Uniting Church in York, Western Australia was erected in 1888. It was built as a chapel by followers of the Wesleyan Denomination of the Methodist faith. It exhibits architectural features which are typical of the nineteenth-century Gothic…

The Uniting Church in York, Western Australia was erected in 1888. It was built as a chapel by followers of the Wesleyan Denomination of the Methodist faith. It exhibits architectural features which are typical of the nineteenth-century Gothic…

Hyperlink to an image of Skipton Presbyterian Church in Victoria. Shows a detailed corner of the building. Built in the 19th Century gothic style from bluestone.

An image of the large statue of St. George located inside Kryal Castle, a tourist attraction near Ballarat in Victoria. The figure is atop a horse in full metal armour. At the foot of the statue are plaques describing the legend of 'St. George and…

A photograph of St Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney dating from c.1895. St Andrew’s functions as the seat of the Anglican Archbishop of Sydney and is the oldest cathedral in Australia. Construction of the cathedral was completed in 1868,…

This black and white photograph held by the Powerhouse Museum portrays children participating in the Feast of Corpus Christi procession at St Patrick's Seminary at Manly, Sydney, in 1932. The annual Feast of Corpus Christi procession celebrates the…

Images of the St George woodcarved statue in St George’s Cathedral, Western Australia. The statue was purchased from Oberammergau in 1970. Oberammergau is a town in Bavaria known for its woodcarvers and, perhaps more famously, it’s…
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