Browse Items (23 total)
'Romancing the Medieval' Unit
Tags: Alfred Tennyson, Edmund Spenser, fairy tales, fantasy, fiction, film, hobbit, hobbits, literature, Melbourne, Peter Jackson, poetry, pop culture, popular culture, Stephanie Trigg, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien, universities, university, University of Melbourne, Victoria
"The Old Squire Sir William rode to Virland," Henry Lawson
‘Jack Cade: A Tribute to the Much-Maligned Patriot (see ‘Henry VI’ Second Part. Act IV. Scene X)’, The Bulletin, 8 December 1894.
‘‘Thingless Names’? The St George Legend in Australia’
‘Chaucer at the Court of Edward III’, by Ford Madox Brown
Tags: ‘Legend of Custance’, Alice Perrers (1348-1400), anniversary, art, artwork, birthday, Black Prince (1330-1376), court, Custance, Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882), Edward III (1312-1377), English language, Geoffrey Chaucer (c.1343-1400), history painting, jester, John of Gaunt (1340-1399), knight, Lute, palace of Sheen, poetry, Pre-Raphaelite, reading, royalty, troubadour
‘The Viking’ poem
Chaucer. [From various sources].
Tags: biography, Dante Alghieri (c.1265-1321), Early Australian Literary Tastes, Edmund Spenser (c.1552-1599), English language, Geoffrey Chaucer (c.1340-1400), Hainault, heresy, John Milton (1608–1674), John of Gaunt (1340–1399), John Wycliffe (d.1384), medieval poet, medieval poetry, poet, poetry, William Shakespeare (1564–1616)