Browse Items (1266 total)

Image of London Court in Perth, Western Australia. London Court is an open air retail shopping arcade that runs between St George’s Terrace and Hay Street in the centre of Perth. The building was commissioned in 1936 by WA entrepreneur Claude…

Image of a recreationist knight wearing a ‘Great Helm’ style helmet at the Perth Medieval Fayre. The Great Helm is a cylindrical helmet that encloses the entire head, with a flat top and eye slits for vision. It was adopted as the…

Image of London Court in Perth, Western Australia. London Court is an open air retail shopping arcade that runs between St George’s Terrace and Hay Street in the centre of Perth. The building was commissioned in 1936 by WA entrepreneur Claude…

Image of London Court in Perth, Western Australia. London Court is an open air retail shopping arcade that runs between St George’s Terrace and Hay Street in the centre of Perth. The building was commissioned in 1936 by WA entrepreneur Claude…

A view of Winthrop Hall and the clock tower at the University of Western Australia. They are built in an Italian or Mediterranean Romanesque style, typified by rounded arches, arcading, thick walls (they are 9ft thick) and the large square campanile…

Viking-Runes-II_PMF 19 March 2011[1].JPG
Image of person in costume stamping initials into leather using the Viking alphabet, or Fuþark. Runic inscriptions are attested from c. 150 CE and were used by a number of ‘Germanic’ peoples. During the Viking Age (c. 800-1100) the…

Image of person in costume stamping initials into leather using the Viking alphabet, or Fuþark. Runic inscriptions are attested from c. 150 CE and were used by a number of ‘Germanic’ peoples. During the Viking Age (c. 800-1100) the…

Images of “The Tournament of Armoured Knights” at London Court in Western Australia. In a window above the clock at the Hay Street entrance, these four mechanical knights joust at the chiming of every quarter hour on the clock. Each of…
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