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An image of Kryal Castle knights preparing for a Jousting display at Kryal Castle in Ballarat, Victoria. Jousting was a popular medieval and Renaissance sport from the thirteenth century, and is often associated with the chivalric ideal.


An image of a Kryal Castle knight preparing for a Jousting display at Kryal Castle in Ballarat, Victoria. Jousting was a popular medieval and Renaissance sport from the thirteenth century, and is often associated with the chivalric ideal.


One of two photographs of the Jubilee Building that now acts as a wing of the Western Australian Museum – Perth. The brick and stone building was designed by Government architect George Temple-Poole and opened in 1897, originally housing the WA…

One of two photographs of the Jubilee Building that now acts as a wing of the Western Australian Museum – Perth. The brick and stone building was designed by Government architect George Temple-Poole and opened in 1897, originally housing the…

In this article, the author debates how £5000 earmarked for a Queen’s Jubilee commemoration by the WA Legislative Council could be best spent. The author begins by outlining the three suggestions that had been put forward, namely the…

The Keith Sydney Isles (1902-1977) memorial window is in St David’s Anglican Cathedral, Hobart. The window is made up of three lancet windows with a figure in each. The figure in the tall central window is a knight in late medieval armour and…

The logo of the Australian company Kent International Movers features a winged dragon. Dragons are found in numerous medieval stories, on artefacts, and as a heraldic device where it evoked courage and nobility. The current flag of Wales/Cymru…
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