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Knights Order of Lion Rampant is a living history group based in the Brisbane suburb of Lutwyche. The group were founded in 1991 and focus on the culture of chivalry, especially that surrounding tournaments, that existed in western and central Europe…

Korffs Haven Medieval Guild are a re-enactment group based in Coffs Harbour, or Korffs Haven, in New South Wales. The group concentrate on the period 1066-1166 and such peoples as Anglo-Saxons, Anglo-Normans, Crusaders, Highlanders (of Scotland), and…

Romance (15 Aug 1885), p. 22.jpg
The long-vanished past is briefly reconfigured in this sad and poignant poem. It allows us a fleeting glimpse of what has (or may have) been, even though we find ourselves standing in the waking world “Under blue skies in a fair land.”…

Henry Lawson (1867-1922), one of Australia's most famous poets, and a symbol for the Australian Nationalism Movement, protests against what he sees as the 'toadies knighthood' in this verse. He berates those (English) in Australia who seek to…

It is likely Henry Lawson (1867-1922), one of Australia's most famous poets, and a symbol for the Australian Nationalism Movement, wrote this poem about the death of King Edward VII 1901 - 1910, who reigned for 10 years. Lawson portrays the King as a…

Henry Lawson (1867-1922), one of Australia's most famous poets, and a symbol for the Australian Nationalism Movement.

Henry Lawson (1867-1922), one of Australia's most famous poets, and a symbol for the Australian Nationalism Movement, wrote this poem in 1910 (MS). The meaning is unclear but Lawson writes of a mythical kingdom of Virland. It could be an allegory of…

Henry Lawson (1867-1922), one of Australia's most famous poets, and a symbol for the Australian Nationalism Movement, protests against what he sees as the forced allegiance to the monarchy and the bloodshed of war in the name of the monarch.
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