Browse Items (1266 total)

A photograph of the former Salvation Army headquarters building in Pier Street in the Perth CBD. The Flemish bond brick and stucco building in Federation Free style was built in 1899, eight years after the Salvation Army began to operate in the…

In the online article ‘Brownlow Medal 2011 Best and Worst Dressed On The Blue Carpet!’ the dress of Rebecca Judd is disparagingly referred to as being ‘a little more medieval bar wench’. However the included photograph shows…

HisLastWish BroadfordCourier20602.pdf
An article on page 5 of the Victorian newspaper The Broadford Courier and Reedy Creek Times on June 20, 1902. The anonymous article is about the will of Alfred the Great, king of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex in southern England. It mentions that…

VikingDinner BarrierMiner11354.pdf
An article on page 11 of the Broken Hill, New South Wales, newspaper, the Barrier Miner on March 11, 1954. The article reports on an upcoming dinner and lecture of the Viking club at the local Y.M.C.A. The lecture was titled ‘What is a…

AlfredTheGreat SydneyMorningHerald25901.pdf
An article on page 10 of The Sydney Morning Herald on September 25, 1901. The article reports on a sermon by Archdeacon Gunther in St. John’s Church in which he mentioned that it was the thousandth anniversary of Alfred the Great, king of…

AlfredTheGreat BroadfordCourier20602.pdf
An article on page 5 of the regional Victorian newspaper The Broadford Courier and Reedy Creek Times on June 20, 1902. The anonymous article is about the will of Alfred the Great, king of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex in southern England. In…

A photograph of a suit of armour at the Balingup Medieval Carnivale. The suit is made of plate armour, dating it to post 1300. The suit includes a helmet with visor, breastplate, gorget, cuisse, and poleyn.

This entertainment piece from The West Australian’s online edition reviews the BBC series Merlin (2008). At the time the article was written in 2010, the second season of the series was being aired on Australian television by Channel 10. The…
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