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Image of St. George's Cathedral located on St. George's Terrace in the Perth CBD. English 'Gothic Revival' style, designed by Sydney architect Edmund Blackett. It was built from locally made red bricks, local jarrah and imported Victorian bluestone…

Image of the Red Cross flag atop St. George's Cathedral on St. George's Terrace in the Perth CBD. The cathedral is an excellent example of the gothic revival architecture in nineteenth-century England and colonial Australia. The cathedral was…

Image of the pulpit and altar of St. George's Cathedral on St. George's Terrace in the Perth CBD. Built in the English 'Gothic Revival' style and designed by Sydney architect Edmund Blackett. It was built from locally made red bricks, local jarrah…

Image portraying some of the particularly 'gothic' features of the interior of St. George's Cathedral on St. George's Terrace in the Perth CBD.

Image of the arched, jarrah ceilings in St. George's Cathedral on St. George's Terrace in the Perth CBD.
Built in the English 'Gothic Revival' style, designed by Sydney architect Edmund Blackett. It was built from locally made red bricks, local…

Image of hand-made centrally supported one-sided banners at the Society for Creative Anachronism's College Challenge between St. Basil (UWA) and St. Lazarus (Murdoch University). The event was held on the 19th of December, 2010 at the UWA campus. …

Banners flying at the Society for Creative Anachronism's College Challenge between St. Basil (UWA) and St. Lazarus (Murdoch University). The banners bear the crests/emblems of the competing colleges. In Perth, Western Australia, St. Basil and St.…
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