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During her first royal visit in 1954, Queen Elizabeth II opened the sitting of Australia’s federal parliament at Parliament House on 15 February 1954. As this photograph from the Western Mail shows, she wore her coronation gown and the sash of…

Members of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) fighting in a tournament known as 'the College Challenge.' In Perth, Western Australia, there are only two chapters of the SCA which are based in colleges (St. Basil (UWA) or St. Lazarus (Murdoch…

Member of the SCA in fourteenth-century inspired armour complete with 'kettle hat.' He is dressed to participate in the Society for Creative Anachronism's College Challenge tournament between St. Basil (UWA) and St. Lazarus (Murdoch University), held…

Banners flying at the Society for Creative Anachronism's College Challenge between St. Basil (UWA) and St. Lazarus (Murdoch University). The banners bear the crests/emblems of the competing colleges. In Perth, Western Australia, St. Basil and St.…

Image of hand-made centrally supported one-sided banners at the Society for Creative Anachronism's College Challenge between St. Basil (UWA) and St. Lazarus (Murdoch University). The event was held on the 19th of December, 2010 at the UWA campus. …

Included in this Western Mail Supplement page of pictures from around the world, Image 6 shows a festive horserace running through the marketplace in Siena, Italy. The caption describes the festival as a ‘relic from other days’; the last…

Finucane-Higgins_Western Mail_6 February 1930_p36.pdf
This article from the wedding column of the Western Mail gives an account of the wedding of Josephine Higgins and Kevin Finucane at St Mary’s Cathedral on 6 January 1930. The bride’s dress is described as a picture frock of soft white…

Novel Industry_Western Mail_11 September 1941_p20.pdf
In this Western Mail article about Britain’s export of five million yards of musical instrument strings each year, Australia is identified as the top destination for harp strings. In contrast, the article singles out South Africa as preferring…
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