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May_Western Mail_9 May 1946_p3s.pdf
In this article from the Western Mail, the author relates details of the historical customs and festivities associated with the month of May. The article begins by describing the medieval tradition of ‘a-maying’ and merrymaking on the…

Henry Lawson (1867-1922) is one of Australia's most famous poets, and can be regarded as a symbol for the Australian Nationalism Movement.

Henry Lawson (1867-1922), one of Australia's most famous poets, and a symbol for the Australian Nationalism Movement, protests against what he sees as the forced allegiance to the monarchy and the bloodshed of war in the name of the monarch.

Abstract: Matthews finds a unity in the arrangement of stories in While the Billy Boils. The chronological nature of the stories, the use of rumour and the consistent use of time and distance are all elements that support the structure of the…

SMH 1953 Sat 22 April Sedition Charge 'Medieval' Defence Ag. Anti-Monarchist Communist Review .pdf
Three members responsible for an anti-monarchist article in the 'Communist Review' are on trial for sedition. Their defence counsel argues that such charges are 'medieval' and out of step with modern life. The article claims that Queen Elizabeth II…

A miscellaneous piece titled 'The Deaths of Great Men' remarks how 'deeply interesting' it is to ponder the death-bed scene of those geniuses who are immortalized by their fame. Hallet, the great physiologist, died taking his pulse, it is said.…

Advertiser Adelaide 1841 p. 3 Petition from the people against prohibition of distilling to Sir George Gawler Order of Hanoverian Guelphic Knights.pdf
Interested parties plead their cause, which is to allow distillation of alcoholic drinks, to his Excellency, Lieut, Col. George Gawler, Knight of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Province of South Australia,…

Henry Lawson (1867-1922), one of Australia's most famous poets, and a symbol for the Australian Nationalism Movement, wrote this poem in 1910 (MS). The meaning is unclear but Lawson writes of a mythical kingdom of Virland. It could be an allegory of…
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