Domestic Crenellation & Machiolation in Unley Park, Adelaide, South Australia


Dublin Core


Domestic Crenellation & Machiolation in Unley Park, Adelaide, South Australia


Adelaide, architecture, battlement, castle, crenel, crenellation, decoration, defence, domestic architecture, domestic, home, house, residence, embrasure, fortification, machiolation, medieval warfare, merlon, military structure, rampart, SA, South Australia, Unley Park


A photograph of domestic architecture in Unley Park, South Australia, featuring crenellation and false machiolation. Crenellation is an architectural feature that was commonly employed in the design of medieval castles and military structures. Cut into the parapets, crenels created alternating openings through which weapons could be fired (embrasures) and raised sections of stone (merlons) to protect shooters from oncoming fire and obscure their visibility. Machiolations were created when the parapet protruded out from the castle wall and holes were cut into the floor. Also a defensive measure, machiolation allowed occupants to fire down on the enemy, and also track their movements. Here, however, these features have been incorporated simply for their decorative effect.


Dorey, Margaret


7 December 2011


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Digital Photograph; JPEG

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Digital Photograph; JPEG