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- Tags: work
'St Francis beaten by his Father', by Arthur Boyd
Tags: art, Assisi, beating, business, Catholicism, Christianity, Church, cloth merchant, drawing, family, father, Francis of Assisi, Franciscan Order, modern art, patrimony, poverty, preacher, preaching, religious order, repairs, saint, Saint Francis of Assisi, San Damiano, St Francis of Assisi, The Poor Clares, violence, work
‘St Francis and the Birds’, by Michael Galovic
Tags: ‘new icons’, Animals, art, Assisi, Bevagna, birds, Cardinal Ugolini, Catholicism, Christianity, Francis of Assisi, Francsciscan, Giovanni Francesco do Bernadone, icon, iconography, modern art, Pope Gregory IX, Pope Innocent III, Portiuncula, poverty, preacher, preaching, religious art, religious order, saint, Saint Francis of Assisi, St Francis of Assisi, The Little Flowers of St Francis, The Poor Clares, work
Anniversary of the Establishment of the Eight Hour Day
Banner for United Operative Masons of Melbourne
Eight Hour Day Parade in Brisbane, 1912
Tags: Labor, labour, Labour Day, parade, procession, Trade Union, trade unionism, union, unionism, work, working class
Eight Hour Procession 1901, Sydney
Tags: ‘Merrie England’, Agincourt, carnival, Charles Jardyne Don, craft, craft guild, Eight-Hours Day, Golden age of labour, guild, guilds, labour, Labour Movement, labourer, labourers, medieval origins of eight-hours day, New South Wales, NSW, parade, parades, Poitiers, procession, processions, Professor J.E. Thorold Rogers, sleep and recreation, stonemasons; King Alfred as originator of eight hours rest, Sydney, Tooth’s brewery, Trade Union, trade unionism, Trade Unions, work, worker, workers