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- Tags: performance
Hurdy Gurdy demonstration
Images of Ironfest
Tags: Armour, art, arts, arts festival, blacksmith, costume, festival, helmet, jousting, Kingdom of Ironfest, knight, Lithgow, living history, New South Wales, NSW, performance, plate armour, re-enactment, replica, shield, sword, website
Knights Order of Lion Rampant
Tags: Archery, Armour, art, Brisbane, chivalry, combat, cosmetics, costume, festival, food, helmet, heraldry, illuminated manuscript, jousting, knight, Knights Order of Lion Rampant, living history, performance, Qld, Queensland, Queensland Museum, re-creation, re-enactment, shield, spear, sword, The Abbey Museum, tournament, website.
Korffs Haven Medieval Guild
Tags: Anglo-Norman, Anglo-Saxon, Archery, chain mail, Coffs Harbour, combat, cooking, costume, craft, Crusader, Crusades, dyeing, embroidery, feast, felting, food, games, helmet, Highlanders, Korffs Haven Medieval Guild, leatherwork, living history, New South Wales, Norman, NSW, performance, re-enactment, sewing, shield, slingshot, spear, stave, sword, viking, website, woodwork.