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  • Tags: king

A photograph of the King and Queen of the Balingup Medieval Carnivale. The royal couple, accompanied by members of their court and guards, took part in the parade each day and then sat in state in the royal tent in the combat arena.

The Window of Old Testament is in St David’s Anglican Cathedral, Hobart. It was created by the firm Burlison and Grylls in London and installed in 1872. The window is made up of three lancet windows with a figure in each: King David, King…

In SIMS Medieval, the latest instalment of the virtual reality SIMS computer game series, players control a number of different heroes and characters ranging from kings and queens to knights, merchants, priests and blacksmiths. They send these…

This watercolour by Australian artist Christian Waller was gifted to the Art Gallery of Ballarat in 1933 by the Women’s Association. It depicts a woman in medieval dress whom the title identifies as Morgan Le Fay. Morgan Le Fay is a…
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