Wood Engraving by Frederick Grosse (1866) depicting the 1866 procession which started at the Trades Hall, Carlton and finished at the North Botanical Gardens, celebrating the 10th anniversary of the eight hours movement.
Federated Municipal Employees depicted with a FME banner drawn by four horses at a trade union parade in Ballarat, 1920. Some historians consider trade unions to be the successors of medieval guilds. For information regarding the Federated Municipal…
Photograph of members of the Ancient Order of Foresters in NSW parading with a ceremonial banner.
About the Ancient Order of Foresters:
The Ancient Order of Foresters originated in England in the mid-eighteenth century, with the first recorded…
Images of children belonging to the Ancient Order of Foresters riding billycart floats at a NSW parade.
About the Ancient Order of Foresters:
The Ancient Order of Foresters originated in England in the mid-eighteenth century, with the first…
Image depicting a children's float for the Ancient Order of Foresters at a parade in NSW.
About the Ancient Order of Foresters:
The Ancient Order of Foresters originated in England in the mid-eighteenth century, with the first recorded Foresters…
Image depicting two women of the Ancient Order of Foresters wearing elaborate headdresses at a parade in 1929.
About the Ancient Order of Foresters:
The Ancient Order of Foresters originated in England in the mid-eighteenth century, with the first…