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- Tags: fiction
Knights Templar jump from Dan Brown to Down Under
The Other House
Children's Literature Unit
'Romancing the Medieval' Unit
Tags: Alfred Tennyson, Edmund Spenser, fairy tales, fantasy, fiction, film, hobbit, hobbits, literature, Melbourne, Peter Jackson, poetry, pop culture, popular culture, Stephanie Trigg, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien, universities, university, University of Melbourne, Victoria
The Wolf Letters, by Will Schaefer
Tags: Abbess, battle, Brother Duggo, Claude Pownall, Detective Sergeant Aage Nielsen, Dr Deborah Caraman, Eulalia, Father Walter Roby, fiction, George Haye, historical fiction, Kenneth Tiernan, letters, medieval characters, medieval setting, medievalism, medievalist fiction, monk, murder, mystery, novel, nunnery Ohthere, policeman, soldier, St Boniface, St Matthew’s College, thriller, war, Winfrith, wolf
The Last Viking teaching blog
The Last Viking
Viking Valour
Tags: Beserker, fiction, Norseman, pagan, Perth, Samuel Hirsdon, short story, Sunday Times, viking, WA, Western Australia