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  • Tags: castle

An article by Max Anderson in the Adelaide Hills Magazine about Thorngrove Manor Hotel in Stirling. The building functions as a luxury boutique hotel and the article includes an interview with the architect and builder, owner Kenneth Lehmann. The…

An article in the German edition of Golf Digest magazine about Thorngrove Manor Hotel in Stirling. As well as highlighting the features of the luxury boutique hotel the article provides information on nearby golf courses. The Kenneth Lehmann building…

Burdiken Medieval Knights are a living history/re-enactment group based in the Queensland town of Home Hill on the Burdekin River. The group have a channel on YouTube that features a series of films, including broadsword lessons and demonstrations,…

Banners flying at the Society for Creative Anachronism's College Challenge between St. Basil (UWA) and St. Lazarus (Murdoch University). The banners bear the crests/emblems of the competing colleges. In Perth, Western Australia, St. Basil and St.…

Costumes displayed at the Society for Creative Anachronism's College Challenge, December 2010 between St. Basil (UWA) and St. Lazarus (Murdoch). About the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of Lochac (the Australian and New Zealand…

This modern-day castle, can be found on the Bass Highway between Launceston and Devonport in northern Tasmania. This photograph shows the full extent of the castle, featuring extensive crenellation and numerous towers, including tower-like garden…

This modern-day castle, can be found on the Bass Highway between Launceston and Devonport in northern Tasmania. This photograph shows the full extent of the castle, featuring extensive crenellation and numerous towers, including tower-like garden…

One of four photographs of a castle-like building on the Midland Highway in Perth, Tasmania. This one shows the letterbox in the guise of an armoured knight. The knight has a helmet, full body armour, and wears a quiver (arrow holder) to hold…
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