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The Kingdom of Lochac is the name used by members of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) for a fictional kingdom comprising Australia, New Zealand and their Antarctic territories. Lochac is one of nineteen kingdoms worldwide. Australia itself…

Scans of the essay questions for the English and Cultural Studies undergraduate course Medieval in the Modern World coordinated by Andrew Lynch at the University of Western Australia. Of particular note is question 12 which asks students to write…

The logo of the Australian company Kent International Movers features a winged dragon. Dragons are found in numerous medieval stories, on artefacts, and as a heraldic device where it evoked courage and nobility. The current flag of Wales/Cymru…

The White Knights for Justice are a society who represents victims of injustice. They were founded in 1992 and are based in the Gold Coast suburb of Southport, Queensland, and were founded by a member of the Special Air Services Regiment (SAS), and…

LiefTheViking WestAustralian21808.pdf
An article on page 6 of the Perth newspaper, The West Australian on August 21, 1908. The article is about Leif (misspelt Lief) Eiriksson and his feat of being the first European to reach (‘discover’) the American continent. It reports…

A digital photograph of the transportable toilet area at the Balingup Medieval Carnivale. The area is referred to as ‘Midden Pits’, a term commonly used by archaeologists to describe pits containing household and human waste. The…

A close-up digital photograph of a section of the parade at the Balingup Medieval Carnivale. This image features a group in well-polished armour. The parade went through the town of Balingup before ending up at the carnivale site. It took place on…

A close-up digital photograph of a section of the parade at the Balingup Medieval Carnivale. This image features a man, perhaps a cleric, leading a giant chicken. The tonsure haircut is a particularly impressive detail. The parade went through the…
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