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A page of engravings depicting notable landmarks and monuments in Adelaide at the end of the nineteenth century. One notices a strong gothic influence in the appearance of Colonel Light's monument and some of the buildings in Victoria Square.

Billed as ‘An Arts Festival with a Metal Edge’ Ironfest is an annual festival held in the New South Wales city of Lithgow. The festival involves artists and blacksmith working with metal, as well as historical re-enactors, musicians, and…

Depiction of St Paul's Anglican Church, Melbourne. The architectural style is typical of the gothic revival style common in Britain and the British colonies throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

This photograph shows Alana Bennett playing a six stringed Phoenix Standard hurdy gurdy made by Helmut Gotschy in Germany ( The hurdy gurdy is a stringed instrument played by using a crank-turned wheel. It developed from fiddles and…

The Hungry Jacks television advertisement for their Whopper burger features a segment in which a man in armour is made a knight (or is ‘knighted’ according to the advert). The segment shows the accolade, also known as dubbing, during…

The Hungry Jacks television advertisement for their Chicken Minis burger opens with a jousting tournament on the ‘Isle of Shetland’, Scotland. A knight in full armour and helmet with visor rides a Shetland pony and carries a lance. The…

This work was gifted to the Art Gallery of South Australia in 1960 by Mrs R.A. Haste. It is a line-block reproduction on paper depicting a scene from Thomas Malory’s fifteenth-century canonical Arthurian text Le Morte d’Arthur.…

This house in Launceston, Tasmania, includes Gothic features. In particular, the steeply pitched roof and pointed-arch windows are Gothic in style. Gothic architecture began in Europe during the twelfth century.
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