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Mephistopheles (23 Oct 1886), p. 7.jpg
‘Dam(n)pier as Mephistopheles,’ is The Bulletin cartoonist Phil May’s humorous pun on actor and theatrical entrepreneur Alfred Dampier’s name (See Louise D'Arcens, Old Songs in the Timeless Land: Medievalism in Australian…

Gratuitous Pugnacity (3 March 1888), p. 13.jpg
Cartoonist Phil May here encapsulates the main problems of a premature pitch by NSW for Australian Federation. The doughty knight (Sir Henry) is ready to do battle with ‘all and sundry,’ for he needs to pay off (or perhaps unload the…

The website for MCC - Medieval Combat, a group of martial enthusiasts and historians who are students and practitioners of both European and Middle Eastern martial arts. They are based in Cowra, New South Wales.

This photograph of a sign was taken at the rear of the Cascade Brewery. The sign features a warrior on horseback killing a dragon with a lance. The similarity of the sign to the original St George logo used by the Launceston brewery Boag’s,…

A girl in a sixteenth century inspired dress and cap demonstrating the art of finger braiding at the Society for Creative Anachronism's College Challenge tournament. The event was held at the University of Western Australia and featured participants…

Cord making.JPG
Two girls in twelfth and thirteenth century dress making cord on lucets at the Society for Creative Anachronism's College Challenge between St. Basil (UWA) and St. Lazarus (Murdoch University). The event was held on the UWA campus on the 19th…

Members of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) fighting in a tournament known as 'the College Challenge.' In Perth, Western Australia, there are only two chapters of the SCA which are based in colleges (St. Basil (UWA) or St. Lazarus (Murdoch…

This small round window above the altar in the New Chapel at New Norcia bears the Cross of St Benedict in stained glass. A cross dominates almost the entire frame surrounded by the letters C. S. P. and B. These letters denote the Latin phrase…
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