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- Tags: children
Theatre review: Emlyn Williams ‘The Wind of Heaven’
Tags: ‘The Passing of the Third Floor Back’ play, Adam, Adam and Eve, angel, Barry Jackson, Bernard Shaw ‘Saint Joan’, children, children as portents of the divine, divine, divinity, drama, Eve, fifteenth century, Gabriel, Genesian players, good versus evil, hagiography, Henri Gheon, Jerome K. Jerome, jester, manuscript, Marc Connelly, medieval saints, Minerva Theatre, pilgrim, pilgrims, play, saint, saints, saints in drama, Sydney, The Green Pastures, The Marvellous History of Saint Bernard, theatre, Wind of Heaven
A Medieval Manor House
Chaucer as Teaching Aid in the Colonies
Float for the Juvenile Section of the Ancient Order of Foresters
The Ancient Order of Foresters' Billycart Float
Sir Kaark the Crow Comic, July 1947
Sir Kaark the Crow Comic
Sir Kaark the Crow
Tags: animal, Australian fauna, Banquet, baron, cartoon, child, children, children's entertainment, chivalry, comic, comics, crow, damsel, dream, entertainment, feast, gallantry, knight, knighthood, koala, Lady in Distress, magic, New South Wales, newspaper, NSW, prince, Prince Gallant, Sir Kaark, spell, Sydney, Sydney Morning Herald