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  • Tags: Arthurian

A fully online second-year undergraduate unit offered by Macquarie University through Open Universities Australia. The unit covers various aspects of medievalism, including William Morris and the Arts and Crafts Movement in Victoria, the…

Tristram and Iseult_Western Mail_4 August 1927_p8.pdf
This article from the Western Mail offers a positive review of Edwin Arlington Robinson’s long narrative poem ‘Tristram’, published in 1927. Following poems titled ‘Merlin’ in 1917 and ‘Lancelot’ in 1920,…

Medieval Drama_The Sydney Morning Herald_7 July 1936_p4.pdf
An article from the Sydney Morning Herald notifying readers of a second performance of Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur. The performance by graduates and undergraduates of the University of Sydney was of a section of Malory's work, The Quest for the Holy…
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