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The Scaly Monster of the House (3 May, 1884), p. 13.jpg
‘The Scaly Monster’ drawing shows an unruffled ‘Bloody Jack’ McElhone boarding a vessel embarking for England. This feisty Sydney alderman had a reputation for forthrightness and ‘fisticuffs,’ which was not always…

The Rule of the Many (15 Nov 1890), p. 17.jpg
This poem provides a vigorous denunciation of “the English caste system” and “celebrates the decay of feudalism,” at least in the Australian rural locale (Louise D'Arcens, Old Songs in the Timeless Land: Medievalism in…

A Bereaved Empire_West Australian Sunday Times_27 January 1901_p6.pdf
In this article upon the death of Queen Victoria (on 22 January 1901), her reign is described as a period in which “we took a sudden step from medieval darkness to the metaphorically blinding brilliancy of the dawn of the twentieth…

Are we Medieval_The Worker_2 January 1904_p3.pdf
This article from Brisbane publication The Worker rebukes derisive comments published by a London journalist mocking Australia’s legislation concerning workers as a reversion to medieval trade laws. Responding to McKenzie’s quip that…
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